DPC’s Digital Bulletin Board – Fall 2023

Throughout September, our 9:30 am Sunday worship service schedule will continue – with choir/bells, Wednesday Club (grades 2-6), and Element Youth Group beginning throughout the month. Also this month, we have two exciting, special events that you won’t want to miss!
- On September 17, during 9:30 am worship, the Rev. Dr. Mina Choi will partner with DPC member Meghan Burkins aka Meghan Malloy (when performing) to offer a dramatic retelling of the life of King David.
- Then, on September 24, after 9:30 worship, we gather in Fellowship Hall for an all-church event where we will share memories as a church family and encourage one another in continuing our life together with an exciting time we’re calling the Fall Fun Fest! Keep watch for details!
There are plenty of other events and happenings and opportunities to connect this season so take a look at the list below and mark your calendars!

Save Your Sneakers! DPC’s Earth Care Team is collecting old pairs of sneakers to keep them out of landfills. Donations can be dropped off in boxes located at the entrance to the sanctuary building inside the red doors and in the Andrews Hall lobby on Sundays September 3, 10, and 17. Be sure to stop by DPC’s Ruth I. Hughes Memorial Library to check out the collection of Earth Care books and resources, including The New Climate War by Michael Mann. Click Here to read a review of the book from Earth Care Team Member Kieran Cody.

Flag Collection. It is time again as Troop 48 is preparing to spend a special afternoon with the residents of Pine Run Lakeview. The Troop will present flags for a proper burning retirement on Saturday October 7. Troop 48 would also like to extend an invitation to the congregation to join them for the event at 10:30 am. Collection boxes for old flags will be located in the Andrews Hall lobby and the entrance to the sanctuary building under the bridge beginning September 18.

What’s Your Part? In order for any church to thrive, families must also thrive. And those families need support. By stepping into a volunteer role at DPC, you can have a direct effect on families with young children all the way up to those with kids going off to college. In addition to keeping our programs going, your time and talents provide an example of leadership and caring that may have lasting impact. In a recent interview, Jennifer Wallace, author of the book “Never Enough,” speaks about “healthy achievers” who excel despite pressures from society. “Kids I met who were thriving emotionally and academically had a sense that they were valued by their parents, schools, and the larger community for who they were deep at their core. They felt like they mattered,” she said.
So how can you inspire this feeling? It doesn’t have to be committing to being a Youth leader – it can be something small like providing a meal or dessert for Element or Wednesday Club, or regularly helping in the kitchen with setup and cleanup, hosting an event at your house (campfire, pool party, game night), sharing a particular professional or personal area of expertise with the youth, signing up to volunteer once a month in the nursery (which is a crucial area of need currently), becoming a Church Mouse, or teaching Sunday school – all are incredibly valuable ways to support DPC’s children and youth. For everything you need to know about all the ways you can contribute, we encourage you to visit our Volunteer Resource Center or contact Member Engagement Coordinator Chris Graham-Rawlings today.

The 2023-2024 Celebrate the Arts Series gets underway on October 5 with a photography exhibit in the Celtic Cross Room. Our first concert occurs on October 29 at 4 pm with Doppelflöte featuring Melissa Freilich on Flute and organist Vincent M. Ryan. Click Here for the full Celebrate the Arts season schedule.

We are excited to offer a fall Stepping Stones class for individuals interested in joining DPC. The class will meet from 9:30 to 10:15 am on October 15, 22, and 29, with new members joining the congregation on November 5. Officially joining the church provides deeper spiritual growth by committing yourself to God in this way. Those with interest in being a part of this class should email dpc@dtownpc.org with the subject line “Stepping Stones.”

Nominations for Ruling Elders and Deacons. The Nominating Committee will soon consider candidates to begin their service in June of 2024. It is essential the committee recommend individuals who reflect the diversity of our congregation as these new officers will join with current ones in seeking the will of Christ for all of the matters before us. If you have a recommendation of someone (including yourself), please email the church office with the following information: Candidate’s name (specify consideration for Ruling Elder or Deacon), the person’s offices held at DPC and other committee, activity or mission involvement, any additional comments, and your name. You can also contact a member of the Nominating Committee: Mark Chaikin, Kelly Huggins, Laura Mendelson, Chris Nardo, Caroline Rawlings, Kristen Roland, Marty Starner (moderator), Jeff Toner, and Rochelle Young.

The Home Help Corps has continued to be active throughout the summer. Thanks to our new volunteers who jumped right in to work! If you are in need of light household or garden work, rides to appointments, grocery pickup, etc., we can help! Just call the church office at (215) 348-3531 with your request.

Calling all Musicians! The Deacons are looking additional for musicians to share their talents with our friends at Neshaminy Manor, Pine Run and Liberty Pointe during off-site worship on selected Sundays. We currently have four dedicated musicians who accompany the hymns, but that is certainly very few for a talented congregation of this size. If you play strings, woodwinds, brass, piano, guitar, banjo, percussion, spoons, washboard or anything in between – come share your gifts! Please reach out to the church office at 215-348-3531 or email dpc@dtownpc.org with the subject line “off-site worship.” Thank you and blessings as we enter fall, the season of change.

Upcoming events sponsored by the Senior Adult Ministry Committee:
During the 10:30 am worship service November 5, we honor our 50-year members and welcome our new members with a reception to follow in the Celtic Cross Room.
The next SAM Luncheon is November 16 in the Celtic Cross Room. We gather for an informative presentation focused on guarding against online and telephone scams and identity theft. Stay tuned for details.