Welcome to Doylestown Presbyterian Church!

Now in our third century of worship and service, we strive to be a welcoming and diverse family of faith that together seeks to discern and embody the love we have received in Jesus Christ. Enjoy this time of discovering more about us.

Pastoral Search Updates

Here you will find the latest information regarding our congregation’s search for a new Senior Pastor and Head of Staff.

This page also leads to an informational hub for Pastoral Candidates seeking to learn more about the position.

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Upcoming Events

Through Aug. 11
Back-to-School Supplies Collection

With Back-to School Season right around the corner, let's pull together to help kids in need through Bethel Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.

Plastic Free July

DPC's Earth Care Team is advocating for a "Plastic Free July" you are invited to take the challenge!

July 28
Doylestown Community Food Collection

DPC is organizing a community food collection to stock the shelves of the Doylestown Food Pantry. Find out how you can help with bag drop off or collection!

August 22
Red Cross Blood Drive

Give Blood, Save Lives. Just 45 minutes can give someone a new lease on life!

DPC In Action

Scenes from Scottish Communion 2024

July 18, 2024

We are thankful for all those who made our beloved tradition of Scottish Communion happen this year – for the 52nd time! This unique worship service pays tribute to Scottish Presbyterian customs and music. Please enjoy these photos from the talented George Segelken!

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Sunday Worship

We offer in-person Sunday worship in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am during our summer schedule with Livestream available during the service and later as a recording each week.

Directions Parking Information Past Sermons and Bulletins