2023 Summer Events!

Mark your calendar as DPC has a lot going on here at church and in the community this season!
June 10 – GoodStuff Thrift Drive. Items can be dropped off on Mechanics Street under the bridge from 8 am to noon. Click here for details and for many other summer Mission opportunities!
June 11 – Celebrate the Arts presents Philadelphia Bronze. At 4 pm in the sanctuary, take a journey through a celebratory concert with music from cherished animated and musical films that kids will love! No tickets are required. A free-will offering will be received.
June 12 and 28 – “The Ants and the Grasshopper” screenings. We’ll gather in the Celtic Cross Room on June 12 from 7-8:30 pm or June 28 from 11:30 am-1 pm to view this documentary presented by the Peace and Justice Committee and the Earth Care Team. If you select June 28, feel free to bring your own lunch.
June 19-22 – Summer Spiritual Renewal 2023. Join us as we gather in the Celtic Cross Room with a picnic lunch on the final day at Bush Park. We’ll be led by Rev. Kang-Yup Na, Pastoral Ministries Manager at Ann’s Choice Senior Living, whose topic will be Bible 101. The mission component this year will benefit The Christian Legal Clinic of Philadelphia. For details and to register visit www.dtownpc.org/SSR2023
June 18 – Doylestown’s Juneteenth Celebration. DPC will be hosting an interactive reflection activity on the Mercer Museum lawn. To volunteer to help at different times during the day, sign up at bit.ly/DPCJuneteenth2023.
June 24 – Doylestown Pride Festival Block Party. The Peace and Justice Committee once again sponsors DPC’s presence at the event as we join with other local bodies of faith. Be sure to stop by our booth along East State Street from 11 am to 5 pm!
June 25 – Ice Cream Social for Wednesday Club (formerly known as Club 456)! All incoming 2nd through 6th Graders welcome. We meet here at DPC at 5 pm!
July 2 – Element Youth Group Summer BBQ! Open to Grades 7 – 12. Join us at the Benson home at 6 pm. Check www.dtownpc.org/teens to see our schedule of fun summer outings and activities!
July 10-13 – Vacation Bible School! – Calling all kids and volunteers – Register TODAY! This year’s theme is “STELLAR…SHINE JESUS’ LIGHT!” We meet here at DPC from 9 am to noon. Open to all 4-year olds (potty-trained) through entering sixth grade! Visit www.dtownpc.org/children to register your child or to serve as a volunteer today!
July 12, 19 and 26 – The Care and Nurture of Your Pastor (Present and Future) In August, John Willingham retires after 36 years as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Not only does that event mark a change for Lori and him, but also for DPC as it will seek and then welcome a new Senior Pastor for the first time in 20 years. In this three-week gathering, John will reflect on the joys and challenges of ministry, providing some candid insights into that journey, and offer his perspective on what your next pastor will need from you. No book is required; only a readiness to learn more of your key part in blessing your current pastor and ensuring a vital new chapter of ministry for DPC with your next one. We will gather at 7 pm each week in the Celtic Cross Room.
July 16 – Scottish Communion. DPC’s unique and beloved tradition brings special music and a sense of history to this worship service each summer.
August 27 – John Willingham’s last Sunday. We gather to hear Pastor John Willingham preach during Sunday worship service one final time before his retirement after serving DPC for 20 years.