Doylestown Pride & Juneteenth Events








This weekend, DPC will be joining our community to participate in two terrific events to share our mission of being a bridge for Christ and a beacon of His love.

Saturday, June 18 from 11 am to 5 pm. We will be participating in the Doylestown Pride Festival, along with four other faith communities in a booth in front of the County Theater. There will be fun activities for all ages!

Sunday, June 19 from 11 am to 4 pm. DPC’s Matthew 25 Task Force is hosting a table at the Juneteenth celebration at the Mercer Museum, offering the opportunity for participants to write or illustrate their idea of “What Freedom Means to Me” on a large canvas that will be displayed in our community after the event.

We hope you can visit both events and show your support!

For full details, check out the article in the summer edition of the The Tidings by clicking HERE.