Home > The DPC campus is now mask-optional
The DPC campus is now mask-optional
As we continue to closely monitor the most recent developments related to this pandemic, which include the ease of restrictions at the local and state level, DPC has made the following changes to our policies.
- DPC is now a mask-optional campus for all ages. Effective today, March 1, wearing a mask will not be required of children or adults while indoors – during worship, while participating in classes or programs, or moving throughout the buildings. The only exception will be mandatory masking of staff and volunteers interacting with children age 5 and younger.
- Restrictions on singing are lifted. Our vocal ensembles and those attending worship or other events may now sing indoors while unmasked. Over time we will be reintroducing more opportunities for singing during our worship service.
- Limitations on food consumption are lifted. Shared meals, and times of fellowship including food and drinks may once again occur indoors.
While these changes are a positive step forward, we encourage you to do what makes you and your family most comfortable. Some may choose to continue wearing masks and others may not, but we remain one singular, supportive church family.
As always, if you do feel under the weather, we suggest tuning into our Livestream worship service each Sunday at 10:30 am or any time later. Thank you for your continued patience as we move through this time together.