Community Outreach

Want to get involved and looking to give back? Look no further!

Doylestown Presbyterian Church is committed to being the hands and feet of Christ by volunteering in our community to make it a healthier, safer place to live. We also strive to find ways to help those in need who may be far away, but are near to our hearts just the same.

See our local partners listed below to see how you can get involved.

Bethel Presbyterian Church

Philadelphia, PA

Bethel Presbyterian Church works to help their North Philadelphia community with food support.   They serve a low-income community and receive some funding from other churches, government funding, and individual donations.  Bethel does a weekly grocery handout and bi-monthly hot meal distribution.  DPC collects coats, backpacks, and underwear at points throughout the year.  Funds from DPC go to the food distribution, as well as to the building repair fund.  Volunteer opportunities are on Thursdays and two Saturdays per month. 

Caring for Friends

DPC volunteers meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in Andrews Hall to pack meals for homebound friends in our area. If you are interested in donating food or volunteering, email

Carversville Farm Foundation

Carversville Farm Foundation (CFF) is a 350 acre certified organic farm, located in Carversville, Pa. CFF  grows top-quality vegetables, grass fed beef, pastured poultry and seedlings- all for donation to Philadelphia area soup kitchens, food pantries, homeless shelters and hospitals.  What is unique about this farm is that they custom plant what each partner needs the most and pack items to order and deliver directly all free of charge.  CFF is a non-profit private foundation.  Funded primarily by philanthropic founders, they also receive funding from a mix of corporate and individual support.   Currently DPC has a fall and spring all-church “Helping Hands on the Farm” day.  Individuals can go online to volunteer seasonally to pick produce, weed, wash eggs, and load the delivery truck. To see a special video highlighting the efforts of the foundation, click here

Christian Legal Clinics of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA

The Christian Legal Clinic is a free legal aid organization that serves low-income people in Philadelphia, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. Their mission is to do justice with the love of God by advocating for those in need in the Philadelphia area. They do this by providing free legal consultations and representation at eight different clinic locations and two neighborhood law offices. They rely on the dedication of a small staff and volunteers to staff the clinics. They seek to provide both legal and spiritual care for their clients through free 1-hour consultations, legal representation, prayer, chaplaincy support, and partnership with local ministries that host each clinic. They are funded primarily through individual donations and other churches/organizations.  Opportunities exist to offer chaplaincy support and volunteer recognition through hand-made gifts.

Community Meal

The monthly Community Meal occurs at 12:00 pm each third Sunday of the month following 10:30 am worship service during the summer schedule, with our next meal on February 16. We join together with our own congregation, community members and our homeless guests for a time of food and fellowship. Those wishing to help by volunteering at the meal or by bringing food items can CLICK HERE to sign up today!

DPC Food Drive

DPC supports the Doylestown Food Pantry operated by the Bucks County Housing Group (BCHG) by collecting food and household items on the third Sunday of every month from 9:15 to 10:30. The collection occurs in front of Andrew’s Hall or inside the foyer (during inclement weather). The donated food at the pantry is available to families that are unable to meet the government standard for adequate food.  Volunteers are needed to donate food.  Others are needed to help collect the food and transport to the Doylestown Food Pantry. Current needs can be found at

Doylestown Food Pantry operated by the Bucks County Housing Group

470 Old Dublin Pike, Doylestown, PA 18901

Drop Off Hours: Wed., 5:30 pm – 8 pm; Thursday and Sunday, 10:30 am – 1pm

Thank you for helping those in need in our community! 

Code Blue

The Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH) is an alliance of individuals and organizations assisting unsheltered adults in Central Bucks County. Year round, we support those in need through community meals and other outreach efforts. They help individuals make a plan to pursue housing, employment, mentally and physically healthier lifestyles, and generally fuller lives defined by safety and dignity.

During the Code Blue season (November through February), guests are welcomed at area churches, offered a warm meal, and given the opportunity for fellowship and a good night’s sleep. Volunteers work with our guests to make connections and build relationships that continue beyond that cold winter night.  DPC houses Code Blue during February.  Opportunities exist during that month to help prepare and serve a warm meal in the fellowship area of Andrew’s Hall.  Volunteers are also needed to cover Code Blue shifts each night during the winter where temperatures dip into the twenties. To see how you can help during the Code Blue Season contact the Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH) at 1-866-390-0291 or visit their website and click on” Contact Us.”

Ages: Adults

Hunting Park Christian Academy

Doylestown Presbyterian Church has a strong relationship with Hunting Park Christian Academy, which provides a Christian-based education to children living in inner city Philadelphia. There are many ways to get involved, including tutoring in reading or math; teaching a lesson in art, music, or gym; giving a presentation at career day; assisting with mailings or other office work; or leading a biblical lesson during chapel time using drama, music, or dance.

For more info, please contact DPC at

Wrapping Presence

Doylestown, PA

This special organization, which provides holiday cheer to friends in local nursing homes, runs its programs out of DPC and is a beloved mission outreach by many members.

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is an organization that offers direct ways to get involved and do something about the crises of hunger in children who inhabit third world countries. Volunteers hand-pack meals.  The meals are then donated to FMSC food partners around the world. Funding sources come from individuals, churches, foundations and corporations.  DPC currently participates in the spring MobilePack event at Delaware Valley University.  Volunteers for this event must be at least 5 years old.

 Click here for a video glimpse at this effort in action

Additional Opportunities

In addition to outreach opportunities organized directly by DPC, there are many ways to volunteer to help others in our community on a regular, ongoing basis as an individual or with your family. See below!

Cradles to Crayons

Cradles to Crayons collects new or gently used toys, books, clothing, etc., for children living in homeless or low-income situations in Philadelphia. Volunteers help to sort and pack donations.

Families are welcomed:

Wednesday – Fridays, 10 am – 12 pm or 1 – 3 pm

Tuesdays,  6 – 8 pm

Select Saturdays, 10 am – 12 pm and 1 – 3 pm

Call 215-836-0958

Ages: 6 and older