In-person worship returns Sunday, November 8!
October 21, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the return of in-person worship! Beginning November 8, we will open our doors for 9:30 am worship while continuing to make our services available online through our Livestream broadcast.
We invite you to read this special message from Pastor John Willingham which presents additional details – and be on the lookout Sunday for an instructional video that will give you a glimpse of what to expect if you choose to worship in-person.
Dear Friends,
We’re returning to in-person worship! On Sunday, November 8, the doors of DPC will open once again, allowing us to come together for our praise of God and the strengthening of ties with each other. We are taking this step now because new cases of COVID-19 continue to be low and indoor restrictions have eased from a hard number of 25 to 20% of capacity. Thus, with the endorsement of your Session and guidance of its Re-Opening Task Force we will soon gather inside for 9:30 worship.
As is true in all of life these days, so will the ongoing realities of a pandemic affect how we gather, too. Here are a few key points:
- Masks or other facial coverings will be required for entry and must be worn throughout the service. Paper masks will be available for anyone who forgets to bring their own.
- A greeter will write down one name and email address for each individual or family group attending should contact tracing be necessary later.
- All seating will occur under the escorted guidance of our ushers and reflect social distancing.
- Once the sanctuary capacity of 100 is reached, worshipers will be directed to the Celtic Cross Room or Fellowship Hall where they can still share in the service via our in-house broadcast.
- You should arrive early given the extra time it will take to enter and be seated.
- For those who are still uncomfortable gathering inside for worship we will continue to offer the livestream each Sunday in keeping with our current pattern.
I am so grateful for your patience as we have navigated this odd season of life. My highest priority continues to be the health and safety of our faith community and thus encourage you to keep joining us through the livestream if you are not feeling well or otherwise are not yet ready to be part of in-person worship. We will continue to monitor the latest health and governmental guidance, too, and adjust as needed, yet on this day, know of my joy over the option of seeing you soon!
Faithfully yours,
John Willingham