Advance Care Planning

Planning for the future is something all of us should do, but often many questions prevent us from getting started.

What exactly is advanced care planning?

What is a living will and a medical power of attorney?

How do I talk to my family about my wishes?

All of these questions and many more will be answered during an informative presentation sponsored by DPC’s Senior Adult Ministry Committee on November 17 at 12:30 pm in the Celtic Cross Room. Lunch will be provided.

DPC member Betsy Payn will lead the program, calling upon her nursing career and her experience operating the non-profit organization Looking Ahead which specialized in advanced care planning.

Other topics to be covered include:

  • becoming familiar with vocabulary
  • reflecting on your values
  • choosing a healthcare agent
  • exploring goals for treatment
  • and taking the first steps toward completing your advance directive.

Please click the link below to fill out a brief form to sign up. The registration fee of $10 per person will be collected at the door.