An Update from the Mission Study Task Group – March 9, 2023

Dear Friends:

The Mission Study Task Group continues to develop the Mission Study Report, which will outline DPC’s past, examine who we are today, and identify where we want to go in the future.

Here is a recap of work that has been done and what is yet to come.

  • Representatives met with the committees of DPC to hear the specified perspectives of these groups.
  • Listening Sessions were conducted, which provided valuable insights directly from members.
  • Next up: A Mission Study Survey seeking more detailed responses from the entire congregation will be made available soon.

The Task Group wishes to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who participated in the committee meetings and/or Listening Sessions. But please know, the time for gathering feedback is not finished. 

The upcoming survey will allow you to provide answers to more specific questions concerning the future direction of DPC. These answers will be crucial to the Mission Study Task Group as it writes the report, which will be used to help guide our search for the next Senior Pastor/Head of Staff.

It is important to note, that even if you participated in a Listening Session, completing the survey is vital in order to provide the Task Group with as much information as possible from as many people as possible. Keep watch for details! We continue to value your discernment and prayer during this time of transition.